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All jobs near Pembrokeshire in the Adult Social Work sector

Found 2 jobs
    • Haverfordwest
    • £33,820 - 39,298 per year
    • Posted about 1 year ago

    Sanctuary Personnel, an innovative and committed recruitment agency has a new permanent position available for a Social Worker within the Integrated Adult Safeguarding Team to work full time based in Pembrokeshire. The salary for this permanent Social Worker job is up to £39,298 per annum. Main d...

    • Pembrokeshire
    • £33,820 - 36,298 per year
    • Posted almost 2 years ago

    Sanctuary Personnel, an innovative and committed recruitment agency has a new permanent position available for an Adult Social Worker within the Joint Discharge Hospital Team to work full time based in Pembrokeshire. The salary for this permanent Social Worker job is up to £36,298 per annum. Main...

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